• WEB is a program within the district that allows for our 8th grade WEB leaders to be role models for our incoming 6th graders. This includes helping them find their way around the school, assisting with lockers, tutoring, after school activities, and more. Our current 7th grade students have the opportunity to apply to be a WEB leader for their 8th grade year. This includes filling out an application, getting a teacher recommendation, and taking part in an interview. Those students chosen will have three days of training and be a part of the 6th grade orientation.

    Applications went home in grey envelopes on March 11. Extra copies are available in the main office. Students can fill out the application and give them to a teacher for recommendation by Friday, April 10. Interviews are April 29 and 30.

    WEB is a fantastic opportunity for our 8th grade students to demonstrate their strong leadership and mentoring skills.