CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test)

  • The CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) is a reasoning and problem-solving assessment and provides insight into abilities not fully measured by achievement tests across three domains; verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal.  Anoka-Hennepin administers the CogAT to students in the 2nd grade and 3rd grade. The online assessment includes multiple-choice questions in each of the domains; verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal.

    The test is divided into batteries reflecting each domain, each battery has 3 components. Students will take the test on Chromebooks with their homeroom teacher or in a small group.

    The verbal battery:

    • Picture (Verbal) Analogies - identifying relationships between pictures.
    • Picture (Verbal) Classification - determining how pictures are alike.
    • Sentence Completion – listening to a sentence or question and selecting the picture that best fits the question.

    The quantitative battery:

    • Number Analogies – identifying relationships between quantitative concepts.
    • Number Puzzles – identifying equations presented as trains that must carry the same number of objects.
    • Number Series – relies on patterning skills selecting the next sequence.

    The non-verbal battery:

    • Figure Matrices – identifying relationships between spatial forms and uses the same thought processes as the picture and number analogies.
    • Paper Folding – identifying what will happen to a piece of paper that is folded then cut in some way then unfolded.
    • Figure Classification – infer relationships between shapes and figures, uses the same thought processes as picture classification.

    Testing time for each battery is estimated at 45-60 minutes for Grade 2 and 30 minutes for Grade 3. The total estimated time is 1.5 to 3 hours for all three batteries.