• Finance

    The role of the department is to perform finance processes.


    Who to call in finance

    Jessica Borglum, Finance Compliance Manager: 763-506-1164 - UFARS Coding, SERVS, Fundraisers, Grants, Supplemental Programs (i.e. AIM, ELL, Safe Schools, Compensatory and Title programs), Indian Education, Student Services, and System of Award Management (SAM).

    Michelle Malarkey (Shelly), Financial Data Specialist: 763-506-1037 - SchoolPay Support, Budget support, General Ledger inquiries, Transfers, Visa, SERVS Draws, Grant Support, Debarred Vendors, Deposits, Donations, Bank Reconciliations, Skyward Dashboards.



    For a full collection of business services documents, visit the Document Center.

