The role of the department is to perform accounting processes and controls with accuracy and completeness in addition to providing customer service. The accounting department consists of an accounting supervisor and five office professionals.
Who to call in accounting
Briana Volkers, Accounting Manager: 763-506-1042 - Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, New Vendor Applications, Scholarships, Banking Activity, MN Sales and Use Tax, Petty Cash, Student Activity Accounts.
Accounts Payable (Non-Purchase Orders; contact Purchasing if PO related) - Direct Vendor Payments, Vouchers, Vendor Maintenance, Employee Mileage and Reimbursements:
- Carolyn Ballstadt - 763-506-1043
- A - L: Marianna Plastun - 763-506-1041
- M - Z: Francisca Elicabeth - 763-506-1044
Accounts Receivable, Jennifer Heem: 763-506-1047 - School deposit tickets, Endorsement stamps, Jury duty, Substitute Reimbursements, and Invoicing.
For a full collection of accounting documents, visit the Document Center.
Staff Documents - Accounting Resources
Food Form
Mileage Reporting Resources - Including Mileage form and Mileage Chart
Travel Guidance
Who to Call in FinanceFrequently Used SOS/Finance Staff Documents - Accounting/Finance
Budget codes by segment
Donation Form
Revenue Distribution Sheets - with cash count formAdd'l SOS/Finance Staff Documents - Accounting/Finance
Athena Guidelines
Capital Purchases
Concessions/School Store
Federal ID Requests
Gift Cards
Jury Duty
Metro Officials Fee Schedule
Reimbursements - SUB Reimbursement
Reimbursements - Employee Reimbursement
Security (High School Event Security)
Skyward - Who to Call
Speech and Debate Judge Process
State Tournament ProceduresSchoolPay Resources
Getting Started
Creating Fee Items
Training Videos
Report Guides
SchoolPay Images
Synergy FeesSkyward Resources
Accessing Skyward for financial purposes
To access the system, go to A-HConnect, (the lock and key symbol toward the top right of all Anoka-Hennepin websites), log in with your Anoka-Hennepin employee credentials and select the Skyward icon.
How-to documents
Videos to help assist
Additional videos are available via employee login.
Accounting Manager
Briana Volkers, Accounting Manager