Where Wellness Matters
Staff Wellness Program
Employees of the Anoka-Hennepin School District will value a healthy lifestyle and will make choices that demonstrate their desire for wellness.
To promote and support employee wellness. Being healthy and happy is something that all Anoka-Hennepin employees and their families deserve. The staff wellness program, Where Wellness Matters, created by the district's Wellness Steering Committee, is devoted to helping achieve this goal. You are welcome to participate in various ways through district-sponsored wellness. Each building has identified a Wellness Champion (wellness contact) to help serve as a resource.
Our partner Medica provides designated funds towards the wellness program; this program is not district funded. Let's work together in bringing continued health and happiness to our Anoka-Hennepin team!
Building Wellness Champion
Did you know that each building in our district can apply for a $750 mini grant to be used toward wellness initiatives? Check with your building to find out who your wellness champion is. For 2024-2025, an extra $100 will be given to those early birds that submit their wellness grants ahead of the deadline. Grant submission deadline is March 6, 2025.
Classes, Activities, Events
Check back soon, as we are currently updating.
Monthly Update
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Medica Resources
Wellness programs and resources
Your plan includes “extras” to help you stay healthy, get support, and make the most of your plan — at no extra cost to you. Check out these programs and resources once your plan starts. The wellness program for employees utilizing Medica benefits is My Health Rewards.
Wellness Mini Grants
Who can apply for a wellness mini grant?
Staff members may take leadership on a mini grant idea but it is best to work closely with the building wellness contact (your wellness champion) from the inception of an idea. Grants need to be signed and supported by both building administration and the wellness champion. Check with your building to determine your wellness champion.
How much money can our building apply for?
Each building is eligible for up to $750 per school year. For 2024-2025, an extra $100 will be given to those early birds that submit their wellness grants ahead of the deadline. Grant submission deadline is March 6, 2025.
How are the grants disbursed?
Send your grant application to wellness@ahschools.us. After the approval of your building’s grant you will receive notice via email. Purchasing must adhere to district purchasing guidelines and therefore certain vendors may be required for certain items.
What have other buildings received grants for?
Items funded include:
- Pedometers.
- Water bottles.
- Fitness supplies or fitness DVDs.
- Support for hosting a staff sports game or competition.
- T-Shirts for a walking club or wellness challenges.
- Designing and printing of walking maps.
- Community Education organized yoga, Zumba, or fitness boot camp classes.
Is there a deadline?
Yes! The deadline to submit your application is March 6, 2025.
Questions? Contact wellness@ahschools.us.
Wellness Chair
Jackie Nelson