• 9th Grade Assessments

    Data is collected throughout the year and results are shared with parents by the classroom teacher.


    This test is administered to English learners in order to measure progress toward meeting Minnesota’s standards for English language development. This assessment measures students' social and academic language in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing in kindergarten through 12th grade.

    This test is administered in January-March to students identified as English learners.

    Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)

    Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) is a series of tests that measure students' general knowledge in reading and math through a state-aligned computerized test. MAP tests are adaptive tests that assess the instructional level and growth of each student. MAP testing helps teachers identify areas that may be more challenging for students and, if necessary, adjust instructional strategies to improve student's understanding.

    This test is administered to 9th grade students in the fall, winter and spring in specific courses and other students as determined at the building level.