Writing style and usage
The school district will follow the Associated Press (AP) style when writing and proofing content for brochures, websites, news releases, handbook and guidebook and other official documents.
AP style is standardly used in newspapers, magazines, news websites, and more. The AP styleguide is published and updated annually to reflect changes in writing style and new guidelines. The styleguide is organized by subjects/topics versus alphabetical order
(like a dictionary). -
Abbreviations and acronyms
Spell out acronyms on first reference. Use the acronym after referencing it in parenthesis only after the full title is spelled out.
Spell out acronyms on first reference.
- Blaine High School (BHS) is located at 12555 University Ave. NE, Blaine. The BHS mascot is a bengal.
Postal addresses
Use the abbreviations when listing a mailing address on an envelope, for example. All abbreviations should be followed by a period unless abbreviating a state. For example, NW.
Use the abbreviations when listing a mailing address on an envelope
- Anoka-Hennepin Schools Educational Service Center 2727 N. Ferry St.Anoka, MN 55303
In every use except addresses, spell out street names.
- The school is on Ferry Street.
When referencing a state in a sentence, spell it out or use the AP-style approved state abbreviation.
- Anoka, Minn.
- The Minnesota Department of Education.
Web addresses
Web addresses should be listed using all lowercase letters. For example, use: www.discovercommunityed.com
Email addresses
Email addresses should be listed using all lowercase letters. For example, use: firstname.lastname@ahschools.us
QR codes
Consider the audience and format when using a QR code. Some people are not ready or may not have the tools to use them. When possible, use a shortcut URL in place of a QR code for efficient use of space. QR codes should be reserved for print materials; codes cannot be scanned by a smart device when it is in use. Limit to one code per document, allow for white space around and behind it.
Email signatures
An email signature is an opportunity for recipients to find where to contact you for more information and to learn more about the school and/or the district that you are representing. Any details other than your contact information should serve as a marketing tool for your school or the school district.
In businesses and organizations, streamlined and consistent email signatures present your school and district in a professional format. Email signatures also verifies that the email they are receiving is from a legitimate or official school/district employee.
Numbers one through nine should be spelled out. Numbers higher than 10 should be referenced by numeric digits.
Numbers one through nine should be spelled out.
- Classes are for children ages three through five.
- Children ages 10 and up may participate in the field trip.
College and professional degrees
Spell out bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate when referring to someone possessing the degree. Abbreviations may be used following a comma when listing after a person’s name.
Commonly questioned terms
The following terms should be hyphenated:
- All-day
- Half-day
- One-on-one
- One-of-a-kind
- School-age
- 24-hour notice
The following terms should not be hyphenated:
- Child care
- Babysitting
- Self defense
- Coed
Use as one word. Do not hyphenate. When used in the middle of a sentence, the word should not be capitalized. The word district should not be capitalized unless it is used with the district name.
Use as one word. Do not hyphenate.
- Districtwide classes and activities will be posted on the community education website.
Abbreviate the following months: January (Jan.), February (Feb.) August (Aug.), September (Sept.), October (Oct.), November (Nov.) and December (Dec.) when used with a date. For example, Sept. 1, 2023.
Numbers one through nine should be spelled out.
- Kindergarten students or kindergartener
- First-grade or grade one
- 10th grade
Phone numbers
Use hyphens to separate sections of phone numbers. Parenthesis are not recognized by mobile devices and smart phones. The “#” symbol is now recognized as a hash tag for searchable phases on the Internet. The word “phone number” should be spelled out whenever possible. When it is not possible, do not abbreviate the word “number.”
Use hyphens to separate sections of phone numbers.
- Phone number: 763-506-1200
School year
Use the full year number when referencing one school year. Only the first year needs to be referenced by the full number when referring to a range of years. For example: She will attend kindergarten in the 2014-15 school year.
Use the full year number when referencing one school year. Only the first year needs to be referenced by the full number when referring to a range of years. For example: She will attend kindergarten in the 2014-15 school year.
Technology terms
The following technology terms are common questions. Appropriate usage is listed below:
- website
- online
- Internet – always capitalized
- iPad/iPhone – proper name
- HTML – always capitalized
Abbreviate the following months: January (Jan.), February (Feb.) August (Aug.), September (Sept.), October (Oct.), November (Nov.) and December (Dec.) when used with a date. For example, Sept. 1, 2023.
Use periods when abbreviating morning or afternoon/evening. 12:00 should be referenced as noon or midnight. Avoid posting times ending in zeros. If an event both begins and ends in the same time frame, it is only necessary to use “a.m.” or “p.m.” on the last reference.
Use periods when abbreviating morning or afternoon/evening. 12:00 should be referenced as noon or midnight.
- Noon to 3:30 p.m.
- 1 to 3 p.m.
- 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.