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W-2s now available for printing

(02/02/2024) Employee 2023 W-2s are now available to print within Skyward Employee Access. Follow the instructions below to view/print the W-2.

Please contact Payroll at 506-1050 or email with questions.

  1. Click on the Lock and Key, enter your username and password.
  2. Select the Skyward icon and go to Employee Access.Skyward app
  3. Click on the W2/W2-C Forms icon within Employee Access.W2 app
  4. Under the W2 Forms heading, click the down arrow icon next to the W-2 year you wish to print a W-2 form for.dropdown menu
  5. Select one of the options to print your W-2 form from the menu.
    1. Print - Masked SSN: Selecting this option generates a PDF copy of the W-2 form that masks the first five digits of your Social Security Number.
    2. Print - Full SSN: Selecting this option generates a PDF copy of the W-2 form that includes your social security number.
  6. Print the PDF.