The move to Medica: View the pre-enrollment website
(03/29/2024) Starting Sept. 1, 2024, Medica will be the provider for Anoka-Hennepin health insurance benefits. Open enrollment will run from May 28 through June 12.
To prepare insurance-eligible employees, a pre-enrollment website has been created. Currently, the website provides information on network options, pharmacy benefits and wellness programs. The website will be updated throughout the pre-enrollment period to provide detailed information for employees to review before open enrollment.
Due to the change in the health insurance provider, all insurance-eligible employees will be required to log in to the online enrollment system Worklife and make an election for health coverage. Current health insurance selections will not roll into the new insurance year.
Stay tuned to In the Know and the Staff Intranet for additional information in the weeks leading up to May 28.