• Mr. Klein's classroom website 

    This is my third year teaching.  I graduated from Regis University in Denver in 2015 with a degree in physics and finished my Masters of Education at the University of Minnesota in 2017.  I love exploring the world through physics and astronomy.  Thank you for supporting your student's education! I am excited to work with your child and watch their growth. Together we can help your child achieve success!
    Much of our learning takes place on Google Classroom.  A sign in is required to access materials.
    Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


    Christian Klein
  • Teaching schedule

       Trimester one  Trimester two  Trimester three
     Period 1 Astronomy Engineering Intervention/Prep Engineering Intervention/Prep
     Period 2 Astronomy Physics B Physics B
     Period 3 Physics A Engineering Intervention/Prep Engineering Intervention/Prep
     Period 4 Prep Physics A Physics B
     Period 5 Physics A Physics A Physics B