• Mr. Hanner's classroom website 

    Hello Students and Parents,
    I get to teach technology education courses at Coon Rapids Middle School for the 2019-20 school year. I am excited to be here and looking forward to getting a lot of students excited about technology and related fields! This is my fourth year in this district and have been working in education since 2009. In my free time I spend lots of time with my wife and 3 children. Occasionally I get to work on various house projects :) Most of my passions are being a DIY person from woodworking, electronics, programming and fixing up the house :) 


    Nicholas Hanner
    Technology Education
    Phone: 763-506-4860
  • Teaching schedule 

       Day one  Day two
     Period 1 7th Technology Education 7th Technology Education
     Period 2 PLTW DSF Prep
     Period 3 Prep 7th Technology Education
     Period 4 PLTW DSF 7th Technology Education
     Period 5 7th Technology Education 7th Technology Education
     Period 6 7th Technology Education Department CT
     Period 7 PLTW DSF Prep