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Anoka High School - Center for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM)
Blaine High School - Center for Engineering, Mathematics and Science
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Coon Rapids Middle School
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Foundation (AHEF)
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PTOs and booster clubs
Community Ed
Early learners
School-age youth
Teacher Websites
6th Grade Middle School Prealgebra
6th Grade Minnesota Studies
6th Grade Science
7th Grade intermediate PreAlgebra
7th Grade US Studies
8th Grade Global Studies
8th Grade Middle School Algebra
Aaron, Robyn
Aaron, Robyn R
Adams, Robert D
Anderson, Bobbi J
Anderson, Cassandra L
Anderson, Kristopher K
Arocho, Shannon M
Arrowsmith, Gabrielle K
Bautista, Edurado
Begin, Jacob
Bessler, Jennifer R
Bowman, Jennifer
Burnett, Gwynder
Cahow, Robert M
Carlson, Krista R
Charboneau-Folch, Melissa A
Chasteen, Carey L
Chasteen, John A
Collinson, Regina M
Cowen, Paige
CRMS Teacher Site
Dahlheimer, Timothy G
Deden, Jill B
Dehnicke, Brooke D
Enzenauer, Kirk K
Essen, Emily J
Fischer, Chelsey M
Fletcher, Colleen P
Fonken, Abigail J
Gabriel, Karen S
Geisenhoff, Alissa P
Gerber, Carrie M
Goupil, Paul A
Green, Ryan A
Griffith, Todd A
Gustafson, Juliene L
Halverson, Aimee J
Hanner, Nicholas R
Hansen, Marie M
Hanson, Gary
Hanson, Gary M
Haukom, Rebecca R
Hedstrom, Alicia N
Hemingway, Genny R
Higgins, Elizabeth
Hondlik, Katy L
Horak, Michael J
Hutchens, Stephanie M
Iverson, David A
Iverson, Kyle D
Jaeck, Lynn M
Jakubek, Katie J
Johnson, Kathyrn F
Johnson, Melissa M
Johnson, Sarah E
Killian, Stephanie A
Kimble, Jeanne E
Kornhauser, Debora
Kuntz, Mark H
Lecheler, Paige M
Leeper, Tyler
Leeper, Tyler C
Levine, William S
Lindgren, Emily B
Luckow, Cheryl
Maass-Hanson, Julie M
Malm, Jessica L
Moreen, Kristen L
New MS Teacher Template - DO NOT DELETE
Nienaber, Zach
Norris, Ann H
Opat, Suzanne M
Otto, Taylor J
Owens, Brian C
Pendleton, Andrea L
Peters, Marie K
Pierson, Brenda L
Powers, Michelle L
Pritchard, Kelli
Quist, Cynthia L
Quist, Derek R
Reissman, Becky
Rice, Amber J
Ross, Brian K
Rydberg, Michele R
Saylor, Michele A
Schmid, Katherine J
Schmidt, Tyler T
Schmieg, Kelly J
Secor Nelson, Jennifer J
Simon, Simone K
Smith, Alissa
Smith, Stephanie D
Sommerlot, Rachel K
Stanfield-Langton, Yadira M
Subteacher, CRMS
Tauer, Lisa
Towner, Lori J
Trosvig, Mary C
Tucker, Jessica J
Turnquist, Sheri D
Waalkens, Paige R
Warren, Carrie A
Wibben, Gretchen A
Youakim, Leila A
Youngdahl, Constance K
Zimowicz, Sara B
Lundgren, Erik
Brommer, Dawn
Bayless, Jacquelene
Parsons, Michelle
Ritzema, Elizabeth
Janes, Carmen
Thompson, Jill
Mazurek, Kristy
Rodda, Alison
Thomas, Natalie
DeFoe, Rebecca
Ecklund, Travis
Gilbert, Sarah
Lawrence, Matt
Menges, Edith
Richards, Ben
Weingart, Joel
Agre, Michael
Guhl, Sarah
Wilson, Melissa
VanOverbeke, Travis
Heit, Aaron
Knox, Sarah
Sanborn, Elisa
Stalboerger, Nicole
Wippler, Danielle
Yankovec, Linda
Belair, Katie
Bratland, Erica
Gerding, John
Hansson, Lori
Stephens, Rebecca
Theisen, Cassandra
Giese, Cynthia
Gundert, Kelly
Knox, Sarah A
Menges, Edith A
DeFoe, Rebecca L
Lawrence, Matthew
Agre, Michael L
Borresen, Rachel
Carroll, Jennifer
Mueller, Michael
Stalboerger, Nicole R.
Remus, Daniel
Ritzema, Beth
Giese, Cynthia K
Bienias, Melissa
Sims, Alison
Tressler, Alicia
Carroll, Jennifer M
Clubs and Groups
CRMS Plays
The Falcon Post
Gay Straight Alliance
Targeted Services
Battle of the Books
Multicultural Group
Hispanic Student Association (HSA)
Student Voices
Coon Rapids Middle School
Chasteen, Carey L
Page Navigation
Ms. Chasteen's Homepage
6th Grade Science Links
Metric Tools Enrichment Activities
Matter Enrichment and Remediation links
CRMS Libguide link
links to help advanced science students find resources for their paper.