2015 MN DECA Outstanding Service Award
March 8, 2015
Coon Rapids DECA Advisor Blake Bodenburg was settling in for the opening session of the State DECA conference. Bodenburg said, "I had just completed a head count of the chapter, sat down, and loosened my tie." Bodenburg had readied himself to take photos of any CRHS students that got called onto stage.
DECA is an organization prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. Minnesota DECA announced their Outstanding Service Award. The Outstanding Service Award is given annually to the individual whose efforts have added to the growth of DECA, and who has shown leadership and dedication beyond the call of duty for a minimum of three years.
They started describing the teacher who was receiving he award, The student sitting next to Bodenburg said, "This sounds like you, Mr. B." Bodenburg replied, "Nope, not me." The speaker continued describing the teacher in more detail. The student who was next to Bodenburg started clapping her hands excitedly while saying, "Mr. B... I really think this is you!" Bodenburg retorted, "Nah, not me." And then the speaker said it, "Blake Bodenburg, would you please come to the stage?"
The excited student exclaimed, "Ha-ha-ha, I told you it was you!"
Bodenburg thought to himself, "Well, I better straighten my tie."
Bodenburg said he was completely taken off guard with the honor, but was very happy to accept it on behalf of all the students that inspire him to be a better teacher, advisor, and coach.
Bodenburg said, "DECA is a great organization for developing leadership skills, confidence, and trust. I am very blessed to have the opportunity to work with so many great young people. And I am very honored to receive this award."
Coon Rapids Internship Program