
    MMI CENTER-BASED SYLLABUS – Reading, Writing, Math, Community Participation, Vocational Skills

    Sandy Youngmark            sandy.youngmark@ahschools.us     763-506-7140

    Denise Sunderland          denise.sunderland@ahschools.us   763-506-7293

     Availability:  Before school until 7:35, after school until 3:30

    Course Description: Classes are designed to increase reading, writing, math, community, vocational skills.

    Materials needed per trimester: writing utensils

    Behavior/Class Expectations:  Be respectful, stay on task, complete assignments, follow expectations in Student Handbook

    Assignments:  Daily assignments will be given.  Math, English, and Vocational homework will be given 1/week with an assigned due date.

    Absences:  Student is responsible to ask for work missed.

    Grading:  Students will be graded on daily assignments, participation, quizzes/tests, and homework.

    Community Outings:  We will go on 2 outings/month. Information will be sent home prior to the outing.

    Health and Wellness: We want to ensure that we all do our part to stay healthy throughout the year.  Please be aware of the school district’s health policy – do not send your student to school if they have a fever or have vomited within the last 24 hours.            

    Student Signature ____________________________________________________

    Parent/Legal Guardian Signature________________________________________

    Email address _______________________________________________________