• Order your Cap and gown now for Blaine High School 2025 Graduation

    Cap and Gown orders Due Friday, October 25th

    Order your Cap and Gown Here

Senior and Parent Graduation Obligation Information

  • This year we will be sending out regular emails with all of the obligations seniors must resolve before picking up their cap and gown or before purchasing dance tickets. It will include fees, books, tech resources and detention hours. These emails will be sent to all seniors and senior parents prior to dance ticket sales, at the end of each trimester and finally in the weeks before cap and gown pick-up. 

    • Fees will be due prior to purchasing dance tickets and before cap and gown pick-up. They can be paid through ParentVue or in the activities office.
    • Senior Survey must be completed before cap and gown pick-up. Messaging will go out in the Spring
    • Library books and textbooks should be turned into the IMC or the specific resource center when no longer in use or before cap and gown pick-up.
    • Chromebooks and cords must be turned into the tech support office when no longer in use or before cap and gown pick-up.
    • Detention hours must be completed each trimester, before purchasing dance tickets and before cap and gown pick-up.
    • Additional fines can be accrued for missing or damaged books or tech resources.
  • The commencement ceremony will be at Mariucci Arena June 1st, 2025

    More information to follow


Commencement information

  • Cap and Gown Information

  • Honors Graduation Requirements


  • Seniors Last day

Planning for life after high school