*Please see the 2024 Blaine Boys Lacrosse tab for more useful info*

    Week of 5/13-5/18:

    Monday 05.13.24: JV/V vs Totino-Grace (Home)

    JV @ 5:30PM

    V @ 7PM

    B-Squad practice 5:30-7PM

    Tuesday 05.14.24: Practice 5:30-7:30PM

    Wednesday 05.15.24: JV/V practice 5:30-7:30PM

    B-Squad @ Irondale 4:15PM

    Bus Leaves @ 3:15PM

    Thursday 05.16.24: B-Squad Practice 5:30-7PM

    JV/V Day Off

    Friday 05.17.24: JV/V Practice 5-7PM

    B-Squad Day Off

    Saturday 05.18.24: JV/V Practice 9-11am

    Lift 11-12PM

    B-Squad Vs Chanhassen 12pm (Turf 2)







    *This schedule is possible to change*

    If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to:

    Head Coach - Alex Johnson (Alex.Johnson@ahschools.us)


    Booster Club President - Amy Davidson (Blainehighschoollacrosse@gmail.com)