A.      Attendance/Makeup Work

                     1.   Success is strongly affected by being here every day.  Consider this fact in reference to field trips.

                 *    2.   Makeup work, missed information, and tests are your responsibility.  Read the board.  Ask fellow students.

                    3.   Makeup tests and homework = “two days makeup time per one day absent” formula before or after school. 

                B.      Tardies: I do not want to have to deal with this issue! If I do, you won’t like it.

                C.      Classroom Decorum and Behavior

                    1.   Common sense, time and place, and focus on us as a class.   Active participation in what WE are doing.

                    2.   Absolutely no sleeping at any time.  Unconsciousness will result in bad things.

                    3.   Electronic Devices Should Not Be Seen. I have no tolerance for you having your phone even in sight.

              D.     Grading System: 90 / 80 / 70 / 60% of test, homework, and participation points.

                    1.   Test grades:  60% – 65%  Multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, and as many essays as time allows.

                    2.   Daily work:  30 – 35% of the total. Due dates matter. Doing the homework really matters.  Label all assign    

                    3.   Participation:  Not recorded by numbers but important.  Be tuned in. Talk – clearly!  Keep a notebook.

                E.      Advice

                    1.   Anyone can pass this class             

                    2.   Anyone can get along, and actually sometimes have some fun.

                    3.    Expectations are real but so is our help if you are working at this.

         II.      A.P. World History 8000 BCE – 2014 CE:  RATIONAL AND OUTLINE

                    A.      Rationale:  Why the course is offered

                       1.   To provide an intro to basic eras, major individuals and concepts of  World History = "cultural literacy".

                       2.   To develop connections between historical events and thinking and today’s situation, systems and attitudes.

                       3.   To use historical circumstances to raise questions about our values and ways of doing things.

                       4.   To prepare the student to take the A.P. test in May.          

                       5.   To push you toward becoming prepared for college: background info, habits, thinking and focus.

                   B.      Outline:  Survey of World Civilizations                  

                       Period 1       Prehistory:  ? to 3000s B.C.     Original Civilizations: 3000s’ BCE to 500 CE             in the text

                            Period 2      The Formation of Classical societiess:  500 BCE – 500 CE                                    Part 2

                            Period 3     Postclassical to Cross Cultural Connections (the Middle Ages):  500 – 1500 CE      Parts 3 and 4

                            Period 4       Early Modern Era and Origins of global Interdependence  1450 – 1800          Part 5

                            Period 5       An Age of Revolution, Industry and empire: 1750 - 1900                                   Part 6

                            Period 6       Contemporary Global Realignemnts: 1900 -present                                            Part 7