Josh Fike


1. Why did you join Cross Country?

I started running back in elementary and noticed that I was better then most kids when it came to running the mile. I also noticed that I didn't hate running either so my mom started signing me up for 5k's. Overall I joined cross country because, if trained well, I could become really good.

2. What is your favorite part of Cross Country?
My favorite part of cross country is the races. The adrenaline pumping through my veins and the thought of beating others to the finish line
3. What is your favorite Cross Country memory?
My favorite cross country memory was right after my sophomore season. I went to South Dakota with our captains and some other varsity kids. One of our captains (Nathan Smith) lost his key fob in a spiral wishing well at a candy shop. We all worked together for roughly 30-45 minutes trying to get it out as he was our ride home. We used anything we could find in the shop. Candy, keychains, phones, etc. It was a great team bonding experience and a funny one too.
4. What are your goals for this season?
My ultimate goal for this season is to go to state. I was super close to state last year and want to make it this year.
5. Why should kids join Cross Country?
Cross country could be a way for kids to make friends and have fun. It's also a hobby that can give someone structure in their life. Doing some kind of exercise has all kinds of health benefits for growing teens.
6. How has Cross Country impacted your life outside of the running part?
Connecting back to what I said in question 5, it gives me structure in my life. I'm fit and healthy due to running on a consistent basis. I've also made a few friends from running and it's nice to hang out with them at carbo loads or go on trips with them such as my trip to South Dakota (Q#3)