Blaine High SchoolCenter for Engineering, Mathematics and Science
November 2016
Dear Parents and Guardians of Students in the Anoka-Hennepin School District high schools:
The AHEF (Anoka-Hennepin Educational Foundation) has awarded a grant to Anoka-Hennepin high school students providing the opportunity to checkout one of five T-Mobile WiFi HotSpot from their school’s library media center. The T-Mobile WiFi HotSpot provides free unlimited Internet service to students who are currently working without Internet service at home. The goal is to allow all students the ability to access enriched learning opportunities so that they can be career and college ready. Cost for the Internet service will be funded through the AHEF grant until July 1, 2017.
These devices use Anoka-Hennepin filtering software.
Students will be reviewing our Acceptable Use Policy and Internet safety guidelines when checking out the device. Using this tool responsibly requires certain responsibilities on the part of each student. Although we have established acceptable use procedures, please be aware there may be unacceptable communications or material your student can access.
There will be five T-Mobile WiFi HotSpot kits (Chromebook and one HotSpot) per school valued at $345 each. Check out is for one night only during the week and regular weekends - no extended break checkouts. These devices are linked electronically with each other and therefore, must be checked out together. Students are expected to return materials in a timely manner. Students will be responsible for lost or damaged equipment.
There are other ways students can access the Internet outside of school. Your county library branches (Anoka County and Hennepin County) have free Internet access and computers. You may also bring your own wireless-enabled laptop computer or other portable device.
*You must provide approval, in advance, for your student to check these out for the 2016-17 school year. Please contact Ronald Vaniperen (763-506-6505) or Gretchen Michalski (763-506-6505).
We hope this opens the door to helping prepare students for a world full of technology!