• Welcome to my Classroom website

    Jeffrey Wall:

    Graduated from Minnesota State University-Mankato. Jeffrey is part of the Anoka Physical Education Department. Mr. Wall is actively involved in the boys' basketball program

    as Head Coach of the Anoka High School Tornadoes. Jeffrey really enjoys a variety of activities including biking, golf, and spending time with extended family. Jeffrey really enjoys teaching and 

    coaching at Anoka High School and interacting with the Anoka Family!

    Thank you for supporting your student's education! I am excited to work with your child and watch their growth. Together we can help your child achieve success!


    For more information about standard based grading please see attached link. 

    Standards Based Grading: Phy Ed I & Phy Ed II

  • Contact
    Jeffrey Wall
    Phy Ed Teacher
    Anoka High School


  • Teaching Schedule:
       Tri 1  Tri 2  Tri 3
     Period 1 PE II PE II   LAO
     Period 2 PE II   Team Sports PE II 
     Period 3 Prep PE II Prep 
     Period 4 LAO Accelerated Basketball I Accelerated Basketball II
    Period 5 LAO  Prep   Accelerated Basketball I