Extracurricular Activity Attendance
Students participating in any extracurricular activity must be in attendance at school by 10:30 a.m. on the day of the event or practice unless prior approval has been obtained through the principal's office. Exceptions to this would be funerals, documented doctor appointments, field trips, and college visits. Unless prior approval has been received, participation will not be permitted that day. This policy applies to students involved in athletics, music, drama, speech, debate and other activities of an extracurricular nature, including any school function (MORP, etc.).
Any student suspended from school (including in-school suspension to the modified learning center) may not attend any extracurricular practice, game, event or activity until such time as the student is reinstated into regular classes by his/her associate principal.
State high school league
More information can also be found on the Minnesota State High School League website.Athletes must be cleared ahead of time which includes a sports physical (typically expires in freshman and senior year- physicals cannot expire during the sports season), MSHSL form, a transportation waiver and sign up fees paid. This must be done before the first practice. Students on free and reduced lunch will receive free or reduced fees. See Ms. Delamarter in the Activities office if you need further financial assistance. Athletes MUST register online. There are no physical copies for registration. If difficulties arise in the registration process, please email Ms. Delamarter at Karli.Delamarter@ahschools.us.
Yearbook photos of Anoka High School athletics through the years
*Year indicates the yearbook publication year.

Lance WicksActivities Director763-506-6223Karli DelamarterActivities Secretary763-506-6380