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2016-17 Above & Beyond winner: Todd Hunter

Todd Hunter, Above and Beyond winner.  Todd Hunter’s students say he exudes positive energy, enthusiasm and compassion. It’s what makes his science classes at Anoka High School so rewarding. One student, Isra Hassan, said Hunter goes out of his way to ensure all students are in a good place, whether it’s in school our outside of it. That includes personal greetings when students arrive to class and a personal check-in to see how they’re doing. “If the goal is to learn, then creating the right atmosphere for learning is a requirement,” Hunter said.

Outside of the classroom, Hunter is up at 5:30 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays to get to school early to prep the rock climbing wall for the Anoka Rock Climbing Club. “It’s provides a place for students to develop a healthy relationship with a physically challenging sport for the rest of their life while also developing their ability to manage fear, set and work toward goals, and build positive relationships with their rock climbing peers,” Hunter said.

But it’s his work with students that sets Hunter apart from others, Hassan said. “I think what I respect the most about (Hunter), more than how he treats his students as adults, is how he respects students as individuals,” Hassan said.