Welcome to Ms. Haemig-Lehman's Website!
This Fall will mark the beginning of my eighth year at Anoka High School. I am a 2009 graduate of University of Minnesota Duluth, with a degree in Social Studies Secondary Education. The 2019-2020 school year marks the first year that I will be teaching U.S. History to 10th graders. I will also be teaching some 9th graders in AP Geography and Honors Civics.
I look forward to a challenge and a new endeavor with this content. To me, we are in a critical time where we should start really digging into the consequences of our historical actions.
I am a 2004 graduate from Coon Rapids High School, so I am familiar with the Anoka-Hennepin district and the community it resides within. I look forward to growing within this district and community, for it has afforded me with so many unique opportunities. That is what I hope to do for my students for years to come.
When I am not artfully preparing my curriculum for the year, I like to get out and about, whether that means a movie, trying new restaurants, getting outside in our abundant green spaces, camping around the state, or just simply finding adventures to indulge in.
I look forward to a year of adventures, growth, learning, and being a historical and geographic thinker. I hope you are too.
Have a great year!