• Essential Reading 2 Course Syllabus


    Mrs. Woeltge

    Classroom: B212 A

    Phone: 763-506-6333

    Email: amber.woeltge@ahschools.us


    Course Description

    In the Essential Reading 2 course, students will develop their core reading and vocabulary skills.  Reading comprehension strategies will be taught using the University of Kansas SIM “Self Questioning” and “Fundamentals of Paraphrasing and Summarizing” materials.  Students will also learn a method to figure out the meaning of unknown vocabulary words using context clues and syllable meaning.  Students will practice the skills they learn in class on independent reading novels that match their interests.


                    Major class components include:

    1.       Daily Reading Warm-up

    2.       FUSION Vocabulary Strategy

    3.       Class Novels – “Thinking Reading”

    4.       Kansas Reading Strategies  


    Materials Needed:


    Folder                                                                                                                                                        Pen/Pencil

    Independent Reading Novel (these can be checked-out at the library and must be brought to class daily)



    In order to make this course a successful learning experience for all students, certain behaviors are expected. Students will be respectful of their classmates, teacher, and classroom itself. Each student should come prepared for class with the appropriate materials and should plan on being an active participant in class activities. All in-class assignments and homework should be completed and turned-in to ensure growth and learning. Students will learn and practice classroom procedures throughout the year that help ensure a positive learning environment. A copy of the rules and procedures will be sent home during the first week of class.

     Absences/ Late Work/Extra Credit

    It will be your responsibility to check the make-up work folder after you have been absent to check for missing work.  If you know you will absent in advance, speak with me to get makeup work early.


    Teacher Communication, Availability, and Extra Help

    I check my e-mail and phone messages daily, though e-mail is my preferred form of contact.  In the event of printer problems, you can e-mail essays to me before school on the date due.

     If you are having difficulty in class or would like extra help, I am available for assistance after school on most days, or by appointment in the mornings. 



    Your grade in the class will be based on a number of factors: Assignment Completion, In-class participation, Independent Reading, Writing, and Test/Quiz scores.  The Grade scale is as follows:





























    Students who arrive after the bell has rung will be marked as tardy. After tardy #3, the student will get verbal warning. Tardy #4 will result in an attendance referral and 1 hour detention. Don’t trade seconds for hours, arrive to class on time!


    Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices

    These are not to be used during class time.  They are allowed in the hallways at passing time and lunch.  Please limit your use to those times.  Use of phones and electronic devices in class will result teacher consequences and/or office referral.



    If you cheat on an assignment, you will fail that assignment and your parent/guardian and principal will be contacted.  Cheating includes copying someone else’s work, using notes (paper or electronic) on a closed book test, consulting with others during a test, turning in another’s work as your own, or working in pairs or groups for individually graded assignments.  If you are caught plagiarizing a second time, consequences will increase.