• Drawing II Syllabus


    1-      Students will develop a body of work utilizing a theme-based approach in deciding how to focus the work that is being created.

    -          at least 3 different media are to be used

    -          7 works are to be created for full credit

    2 - The works will be comprised of a variety of subject categories, media and     

          exploration of technique.

    3-      Students will explore the visualization of their concept using as wide a variety of approaches as possible within the context of the    


    4-      Further exploration of illustration theme through information gathered on field trip to museum.

    5-      Students will utilize ArtsConnected’s Art Collector feature in the exploration of their themes.

    - included in the exploration of theme will be an examination of artwork done by other artists in relation to both concept and media    


    Categorical Groupings


    1-      Imaginary

    2-      Realistic

    3-      Urban

    4-      Rural

    5-      Biographical

    6-      Seashore / Underwater

    7-      Woods / Jungle

    8-      Pasture / Desert

    9-      Mountainous

    10-  Outer space

    Still Life

    1-      Found object(s)

    2-      Organic

    3-      Geometric

    4-      Biographical

    5-      Macroscopic

    6-      Microscopic

    7-      Observational

    8-      Imaginary

    9-      Composite

    10-  Evocative


    1-      Portrait / Biographical

    2-      Full or partial figure

    3-      Single or group composition

    4-      Human

    5-      Animal

    6-      Metamorphic

    7-      Realistic

    8-      Imaginary

    9-      Surreal

    10-  Sci-Fi or Fantasy-based


    1-      Pencil

    2-      Color Pencil

    3-      Oil Pastel

    4-      Charcoal

    5-      Gradated Chalk Pastel

    6-      Color Chalk Pastel

    7-      Pen and Ink

    8-      Ink wash

    9-      Marker

    10-  Graphite crayon

    11-  Conte crayon

    12-  Mixed Media